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Sunday Sermon: The Tongue of Persuasion, May 17th, 2020

Est 4:13-16

13 Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews.

14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

15 Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer,

16 Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.

Context: As a foster child of Modeccai raised to a high position of the Queen of Persia, Esther’s task or calling was to plead before the King for the lives of her people. As a prayer intercessor, she was an attorney for the vulnerable Jews to make persuasive arguments or legal demands for their lives.

  1. The 3-separate interests at play are Gods, the Jew’s, and Esther’s

  2. Esther was positioned to serve Jewish’s interests in God’s will, as opposed to hers and cannot look the other way in their poverty, ignorance, or crisis.

  3. Esther’s willingness to die became life to her people - the servant of all Mk 10:44. The sentiments of the story beg our understanding of God’s purpose, our sense of duty, and the understanding of times

God purpose and plan in history for our lives:

  1. If you are placed in a useful position, ASK why? No candle is lighted for itself, but:

    1. To Give light generously to others

    2. Well positioned on the table for effectiveness and greatest impact

    3. The candle life is wasted to improve the lives of those perishing in the darkness of hopelessness and despair

    4. Esther was raised to finish the job King Saul could not do

  2. If God positions you for His task, you will accomplish it. No man goes to war at his own charges- 1 Cor 9:7 God equips us for a special task. You and your work fit each other.

  3. If God has a special task for you to do, you will live out your days and accomplish it. Pharaoh and Moses; Daniel and the Lions; Herod and Jesus.

    1. God’s purpose cannot be altered or defeated. His word will not return to Him void; it will prosper in the task He sent you Isa. 55:11

    2. And His task cannot be delegated to another. He assigns to everyone according to his several abilities –

  4. Like a key, we are fashioned to unlock a specific door in God’s plan

Prayer Intercession is the tongue of persuasion to charge to the battle

  1. The battle is a cause for which you can relate to and had affinity with the people

    1. When you are raised to the utmost possible height: Who knows what God could do with you in your feelings of insufficiency, inadequacies, or not good enough

    2. No one knows or can speak to the contrary. Only you can find out by venturing into the unknown. All things are possible to him …

Understanding of time and season; Be content as a living sacrifice

  1. Considering the time of your advancement or elevation and for what cause: the rampant unbelievers, weakness, ignorance, backsliding, or poverty

    1. When the works of your hand is blessed, the whole body is provided, clothed, and housed so it is in the kingdom of God

    2. God’s purpose, the church’s, and our self-interests are one and the same.

      1. Our salvation lies in our union with Christ and the church, not separate from them

      2. God put us where we are for a purpose that relates to His glory and the furtherance of His kingdom

  2. No weapon is more effective than the giving of your whole being into the battlefield. Things happen when our back is against the wall because that is when we throw ourselves into the battle

  3. Now is the time and season to take your share in the battle with this present darkness of evil systemic structure.


  1. The Jews could have been destroyed for lack of Esther’s prayers? Prayer is the battlefield. Enjoined with fasting, She

    1. Strengthen her resolve to deny Haman’s plots and SATANIC activities

    2. Acknowledge the reproach and humiliation of sin Isa 59:1-2; The God of all flesh and sovereign ruler of the universe. This is where she won the battle – Pro 3:5-6, Heb 11:6

    3. No excuse will serve for lack of prayers because the consequences is the destruction of your own house

  2. For what end or purpose has God put you in the place where you are now? Study to answer the call and fulfill it with all your heart and might.

    1. What can you do where you are now to make it better? Start there and work hard to improve it.


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