Our Destiny Is Mark By The Truth
God has created a path for our lives for us to walk in and fulfill. To be successful in life, find what God has planned for your life and achieve it. You will feel more accomplished and satisfied.
The outlined vision is a mental picture to give meaning, purpose, and direction to where Grateful church is headed – Ezra 10:4 and Phil 4:15 before you join the church - Prov. 11:27. The specificity of the vision is to: (a) attract attention, cooperation, and commitment; (b) make sure Grateful Church is a fit for you, and (c), an appeal to your eagerness to join the church. Grateful Church envisions:
To reignite the faith of urban inner-city millennials and Gen X (MGX) singles, young married couples, and first-time parents in God, strengthening the family units to lead the unchurched to Christ
To help MGX discover their dreams and utilize their inherent gifts to humanize the gospel for greater ministry impact by demonstrating the love and power of God to transform lives in Phoenix, Arizona
To engage by inclusion, the depth, shades, flow of MGX’s sentiments and gifts in a multicultural mix of authentic worship and storytelling for a sense of belonging.